Internship projects

The Medical Record Management System is a web-based application developed under the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Ministry of Health Malaysia) to streamline the management of patient records and medical data. This system facilitates seamless data entry, real-time record updates, and an intuitive user experience for hospital staff. The system ensures accuracy, security, and accessibility for patient medical records.

🚀 System Benefits

  • ⚡ Increased Efficiency: Reduces manual record-keeping and enhances workflow automation.
  • 🔍 Accurate Data Management: Ensures precise record tracking and prevents data duplication.
  • 🛡️ Secure Access: Implements role-based authentication for data protection.
  • 📊 Real-Time Updates: Ensures updated patient records are accessible anytime.
  • 📱 Responsive Design: Supports both desktop and mobile platforms.

🏗️ Technologies Used

  • 🎨 Frontend: TypeScript, Angular
  • 💎 UI Frameworks: Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS
  • 📦 Containerization: Docker
  • 🔗 Version Control: Git
  • 🛠️ API Testing: Postman
  • ⚡ CI/CD & Deployment: StimullSoft
Dynamic Form Layouts: Provides both traditional and grid-based entry forms for structured data management.
Edit & Update Records: Allows users to modify records via a popup form, automatically syncing data with the main grid.
Automated Data Entry System: Features an automated capture mechanism that only requires updating date and time, reducing manual input.
Whenever the save button is clicked, the grid is updated, and a confirmation message, "The resource has been successfully updated," will appear at the bottom of the grid, as shown in the picture.

Responsive Website

Mobile view
Desktop view

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💬 Available for any questions, project details, and assistance.